Grey water biological recycling system
In washing-processes (shower, bath) a lot off water is consumed. Depending on the costs off drinkingwater, sewage- and energy-costs it could be interesting to recycle water and reuse its energy. The choice on how to recycle the water a number off aspects are very important. Which pollutions are present in this waste water??. Which pollution has to be extracted and which pollutions can stay in the water and can go back in the washing process??. How much would grey water-equipment cost and how big are the cost on exploiting this equipment. This has resulted that waste water technologies NB Milieu took biological treatment as the methode for recycling water in these processes (read more on these processes on this link . With this process there is no need for chemical substitutions. The system is self-supporting and it is poor in maintenance
- Hotels, motels
- Sports facilities
- Camping site
- Hospitals
- Swimming pools
- Sauna
The complete system for water reuse:
- sludge-tank
- separator
- process-tank
- clearificationplant
- water-purification
- desinfection
The complete system for energy reuse from waste water:
- warmt exchanging devise
- separator
- sludge trap
- means for drinking water protection, valves etc.
- desinfection
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